Shareshot Release Notes — 1.2.2

What’s new & improved

  • A new macOS version of the app. macOS Sequoia is required.
  • On macOS the app can monitor a folder for new screenshots.
  • “Unframing” allows you to use images that don’t match any frame and optionally round their corners.
  • “No frame” option when framing a screenshot that matches a supported frame.
  • Added a “33%” zoom level.
  • The app will now warn you if you are running it on a device for which we have no frames.
  • The app will warn you if you have imported a screenshot for a known device for which no frame is available e.g. iPhone SE.
  • The rendering mechanism has been improved to do less unnecessary work.
  • Improved contrast for onboarding screens.
  • Improved heuristics and updating of recent screenshots detection and thumbnail loading.
  • Improved detection of possible custom frame images and the add frame workflow.

Bugs fixed

  • Renaming the project in the navigation bar would sometimes fail to work or result in a crash when exporting.
  • The animation of changes to Background Tweaks would animate excessively.
  • Hopefully eliminated some crashes that could occur when adjusting style settings while rendering is in progress.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when updating Apple Music backgrounds.

Known issues

  • The Share Extension is still flakey due to low memory issues.
  • The App Intents for Shortcuts do not offer a corner radius option for unframed images.