🚀 Shareshot 1.2.2 — It's Mac time!

Here’s the headline features. The full release notes are available here.

Shareshot is now available for Mac (macOS Sequoia)

“Just ship what you have on iPad for Mac!” they said. 🤦‍♂️

Ever since launching in August 2024 we’ve had a decent number of users asking for a macOS version (among a bunch of other requests). We’re pleased to be able to ship this now, with a bunch of touches we added to make the Catalyst app work great as a Mac app. Just shipping the iOS version “as is” would never have been a good experience because of key differences…

Mac screenshots require folder monitoring

A screenshot showing Shareshot with a button to select the folder to monitor for new screenshots.

Because the Mac works differently with regard to screenshots, the macOS version monitors your Photos library for new screenshots like the iOS and visionOS versions do, but it also allows you to select the folder where you save screenshots that you take on your Mac and it will also monitor that for new files.

So whether you are framing screenshots on your Mac that come from iOS devices or your Mac itself, you get the benefit of Shareshot’s automatic reload feature.

Toolbar Customisation

A screenshot showing Shareshot with the toolbar customisation UI showing

Right click on Mac app toolbars is the standard way to enable customisation mode. You can add new save and import options and rearrange items as you please!

Mac apps need menus and keyboard shortcuts

A screenshot showing Shareshot's File menu on Mac with options for Import File.., Import Latest Screenshot, Save.. and so on.

A Mac app without proper menus is an abomination. We have self respect, this isn’t an Electron app! So we have full-featured File and Format menus with Mac-optimised keyboard shortcuts like CMD-O to open a new image file, CMD-S to save to files and so on.

All the other keyboard shortcut functionality from the iPad version for moving through background and output styles and so on are naturally available too.

Screenshots are often not full screen on a Mac

Taking a screenshot on a Mac often means taking a screenshot of a single window. That can’t be framed, so to make it so you can enjoy the styling features of Shareshot we added support for importing images that don’t match any frame size. You then get the option to round the corners if you need to.

Tip: If you want to control the shadow of the window in Shareshot make sure to hold the OPTION key when taking single-window screenshots on macOS. This will exclude the shadow so you can then fully use the lighting options. Also you’ll typically want to set the corner radius to none because a single window screenshot already includes rounded corners.

Macs have almost unlimited resources

We removed limits on export sizes on the macOS release because… well generally it can handle it. Things definitely get slow but you can frame an image such that you get output sizes in the realm of 30,000px × 30,000px if you really need that…

All platforms — Sharing images without frames

Because this feature was added for single-window screenshots macOS we rolled it out on all platforms so that you can frame absolutely any image.

What’s more, even if a screenshot matches a known frame you can still choose “No frame” in the frame selector if you don’t want to include a frame.

The full release notes are available here

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